Our company

Active in the pet market since 1999

We are dynamic and are always at the forefront of the latest trends. With the drive to become better and better. And this is only possible thanks to our top employees.

MISSION Statement

The most important thing is reliability and trust

You can expect top reliability and first class service from us. Your satisfaction now and in the future is our highest goal. Through the feedback of our customers and the requirements of the market, we are constantly improving and describe ourselves as a learning company.

Customers & Partners


Innovative and always looking for good solutions

The idea of combining good quality and fashionable trends with sporting activities such as surfing and jogging, and thus getting the Swiss pet market moving, emerged from a thesis during studies.

Our values


The concept of fashion is both an obligation and an incentive for us. It is not without pride that we associate the Swiss brand with positive attributes such as precision, reliability, cleanliness and naturalness.

The highest quality in processes and products as well as a sustainable and responsible use of the resources used are our credo.

Logistics & service


We regard our relationship with customers and employees as a partnership of equals. The most important thing is to work together. Developing products hand in hand or having them produced, improving processes, achieving goals.

Cooperation is of central importance to us and is tangibly reflected in everything we do. Only in this way can we reach horizons together.


Constantly learning

We are not perfect either. Especially in the dynamic environment of logistics today and in the future, in the age of online shopping and e-commerce, we rise to the challenge and know that we must constantly evolve.

It is therefore very important to us to be and remain a company that is ready to learn. For us and for our customers. And, simply to become better together.

What can we do for you?